


Greetings Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

Members, friends, and visitors can participate in our worship service in person or through Zoom.

Join us for our Sabbath services via Zoom at 10:00 AM:

Meeting ID: 518 279 0794

PASSWORD: 235039


Via. Phone @ 1 312 626 6799 
Meeting ID: 518 279 0794 
Password: 235039



Here three ways to return your tithes and offering:

1. Click Online Giving at the top right of the page. A page will pop-up to give to New Heights.

2. You can also download the Adventist Giving app and return your tithes and offering there. Download the app and search for New Heights SDA Church. Make sure to choose New Heights SDA Church in Markham, IL.

3. Mail in check or money order to:
New Heights S.D.A. Church Attn: Treasurer
16658 S. Ashland Ave
Markham, IL 60428

Please share! Thank you.

Blessings and prayers to all,

- New Heights SDA Church Communication Team



Service times:
Sabbath School: 10:00 AM
Worship Service: 11:00 AM